Sunday, November 28, 2010

Content Readers has been six days since my last post and I conned...ahem...invited three content readers to read through Amelia Rider and give feedback.

All three read the same version over the last six days. As they all shared the same notebook, I've learned it is a very quick read.

Two have completely finished and the third read most of it in a day and took the last few chapters home with her. She is under strict orders to shred and burn them when she is done. (I never let copies of my babies out of my sight - except for grandparents. They are the only people that I will ever just give a flawed copy to for keeps. I know what you are thinking, some gift, right? Whatever. If they ask, I give.)

Anyway back to my content readers. They read, they gave feedback, and now I will comb through it again and will con...ahem...invite a few more readers to read through it and help me massage the story.

If you are local and interested in helping me, please let me know. I could really use more feedback. Thanks!


aunt choody said...


Wife and Mother said...

Seriously? Are you sure you are up for another adventure? Thanks Chelsea! I'll get a fresh copy to you by the weekend and you can just take your time.