Monday, November 22, 2010

Mourning Period

Truthfully I had forgotten this period of the writing process that I am in right now. I am talking about the time just after I've read and edited a first draft and before I work through it again a few weeks or months later.

I spend a large section of my time working my way, word by word, to the end of my story. Once I get there I experience a short feeling a wild elation, where all my happiness bursts out and I see the beauty in the world all around me. But, after the mad rush of creativity - after the many weeks spent building a world and a variety of people to inhabit that place - there is a bit of a letdown at the end.

I am currently in mourning. It's sad to think that I won't write any more scenes for Amelia, that I won't encounter Finley and his arrogant charm again, or that I won't visit any more sites in Italy with Edward.

Don't worry I don't plan to throw on a black dress and veil but I thought I might journal this time period so that hopefully next time I finish a novel, I will remember this stage and I will be more prepared for it when I arrive at it.

1 comment:

Letterpress said...

Susan Straight says that's why she tends to write in a family-fiction way, that is in linked novels. She misses her characters so much that she just has to climb back into their lives.

I thought this was a poignant post.