Saturday, December 4, 2010


First, I would like to say thank you to the people who offered to read my story for content. I really appreciate it!

Second, I spent the last week combing through the story again, ripping it to shreds. I do this every time I go through it. It has been said that a writer never really finishes a story, she just eventually abandons it. I'm obviously not ready to abandon this one, yet.

Third, I thought I would throw a little treat (in addition to the lunch I promised) to those who have read the story through for me. Below, in the post 'Amelia Rider in 23 Songs or Less', I gave a musical summary to the story.

***Note - Amelia Rider is a modern adaptation of The Mysteries of Udolpho, sans the mysteries***

I want to add another song (again this will only make sense to those who have read it) that describes Finley's thoughts from chapters 30 to 36. I simply cannot listen to the song White Blank Page by Mumford and Sons without hearing Finley's voice.

Take it away Mumford and Sons!

White Blank Page

Fourth, I signed up for my first, and perhaps only, writer's conference. I'm curious and excited.

Fifth, I am thinking about submitting a section of my story to an agent for feedback. (This is the curious side of my head speaking. The rest of me thinks this side is crazy, but I am letting the curious side have a little freedom today.)

However, I won't take that step lightly, so I wanted to ask for another favor. I need someone who can read the first ten pages and edit it for content, grammar, and punctuation. This is an elevated level of editing.

I tend to build my stories slowly so this can be a tricky section for me. I need someone who can give honest feedback. ('It's fine', especially if it isn't, isn't helpful.) And since it is just ten pages, I am open to help from someone local or someone distant. I'll just email a file. All my content readers get a free lunch for helping me and I will offer the same for this. I know I have some editor friends out there. Anyone up for the challenge?


Lilly said...

I'm not technically a fiction editor, I'm a technical editor (technically), but I would be willing to give it a shot if you'd like! I'm certainly not local anymore but I'm used to editing via email anyway. Let me know if you're interested!

Wife and Mother said...

That'd be awesome, Lilly! I'll shoot you an email. Thanks!