Friday, November 12, 2010

First Draft - Amelia Rider

And Scene!

By my count the process so far has taken
43 days.

I wrote a total of
70, 044 words

in the space of
183 single space pages.

I just finished the first draft and will begin the editing process soon.

You may notice that I estimated the project would come in somewhere between 80,000 and 120,000 words. My 70,000 words is just shy of my lowest projection. Once I entered the third section I realized I had a Jane Eyre conundrum on my hands and I did some reordering of the outline.

Let me explain:

If you ever read Jane Eyre most likely you remember the red room, the school, and Mr. Rochester with ease. But then someone mentions St. John Rivers and most people complain and say, "I just wanted to get back to Mr. Rochester!"

Now, for my own part, I love the Rivers section of Jane Eyre. I think the whole section is necessary and pitch perfect.

I had planned the end of Amelia Rider to include a Rivers type section but once I had written it up to the start of that section I realized that I had a fine line to walk between pitch perfect and achingly dreary and so I combined several scenes together in order to not spend more time on her recovery that was required by the story. So instead of showing the whole process of her rebirth I show a few scenes and allude to others.

This change altered the number of chapters I had to write to reach my delicious conclusion so the total number of words came in less than what I had originally planned. Will it work? I have no idea. But I am anxious to read all the way through my story for the first time to see if it's any good.

I added about 15,000 words in just five days this week (two of which I did hardly any writing at all). This incredible progress would not have been possible without the unprecedented support of my husband as I went on my tremendous adventure with Amelia. He took the last two days off work to attend to our children so I could focus on my project. To top it off he brought me a bouquet of flowers tonight just because. I should add the fact that part Italians don't come off particularly well in this story (which is only partly Mrs. Radcliffe's fault) and I feel doubly blessed to be married to this part Italian man who lets me enjoy my hobby.

After all this support, I'm beginning to think he expects me to dedicate something to him.

So consider it done. When I've edited my story and am ready to put in on the shelf with the others, I will add a little dedication page to my loving and supportive husband.

It's been a great ride and I appreciate it!

1 comment:

Letterpress said...

Wowsers. Congratulations. Have you considered doing the NanoWriMo? Or something. It's where you write a novel in November and post your progress. I think you qualify!