Monday, January 26, 2009

Season of Revision

Last night I completed the first written draft for DIAC.

Now I enter a new season of revision.

Next to naming my characters, I think the revision step in the writing process is my next favorite. I take the sketch I created and I get to smooth the edges, color in the body, add depth and texture to the face.

It's also incredibly exciting to read the whole story through for the first time. I get to take the whole journey with my characters in one smooth reading.

In addition to completing the first writing step, I also renamed my story. Or rather, I reverted back to a title that is similar to the original title. So DIAC is now titled AHIP. (The original title was AHAW.) I know that the acronyms make no sense if you don't know what they stand for but AHIP, while less direct, is a more accessible title and I think my characters find it less cumbersome. We'll see how I feel about the new title after I've worked through my first revision.

Happy revising to anyone who is currently in the process.

1 comment:

Letterpress said...

Congratulations on finishing the first draft of Mystery AHOP novel! Kathleen Norris calls the process you're in "the desert of revision." Aptly put, I think.