Monday, December 27, 2010

Synopsis Day

It was like ripping off a band-aid. I decided to just do it and get it over with so I could have something to work with. I threw some Laura Marling on youtube and pecked away at the task.

In the end it wasn't so bad. I wrote two synopsis' (or synopsi?) and a sample query. One synopsis is long (6 pages) and the other is short (1 page). Then I edited them, sent them to a reader who edited them for me again, then I went through them again and entered the changes into the computer draft.

Now, I have to sleep on it and see if the drafts look really frightening in the light of the new day tomorrow. With all of the rapid writing and editing, I've begun to lose my grasp on cliches, prepositions, and commas. Not that I had a particularly firm grasp to begin with....

By Wednesday morning, this part of the craziness will be all over. I have to submit the pages and call it good enough for now.

By Thursday, we will see if I have reverted to the fetal position or if I have gone into overdrive and finally attempted to tackle the long overdue editing for Kindley's Sorrows and Death and Life (formerly Heroine in Paradise).

I'm honestly not sure which path might show more sanity.

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