Monday, August 2, 2010

In 24 Hours

In 24 hours, I wrote 4,688 words in seven teeny, tiny chapters. Today I get to go through it and see if any of the words in the chapters make any sense. I'm really hoping they do.

The bigger dilemma is the six working titles I can't seem to choose from. For pete's sake, my short story only has seven chapters. I should not have almost as many titles as I do chapters. That's just flagrant.

Maybe after I go through it this morning I can narrow the titles down a bit to

Julia, Finley, and I are going to go spend some time getting to know each other now. I sure hope I like them in the end.


Letterpress said...

In that article I reference on my blog post, he writes:
"I have two writing states when generating new material. A fresh thought and an edited thought. The fresh thought state is when I’m staring at a blank page and starting a new article or chapter. The edited thought state is when I’m firing up an incomplete article and picking up where I let off."

Your post reminded me of that--perhaps because you wrote about going back to written material and seeing it in the "harsh light of day."

Good luck with the re-entry into their world. Sounds like what you've got here is a novella?

Wife and Mother said...

More like a novella-ette. It's really just a short story. But, after reading through it I decided that I really do like it.

I wanted to read the article on your blog. I'm going to go follow the link to it.