Thursday, July 8, 2010


After three long months, my beloved creation finally returned to me. AHIP had gone out to a willing reader several states away and I missed my baby extremely. Oh, what joy was in the reunion!

I am so grateful to those that are willing to sit down, read, and give meaningful feedback to a practicing writer.

For the last few weeks, I have been content to just live day by day, unencumbered by my literary indulgences. Editing work on Kindley's Sorrows had paused as I ponder how much I want to change - how deep I want to take Emmalina and crew. Sean and Susie from The Last Dance are happily sitting on the shelf and Abigail of The Uniqueness Within is fine sitting in a drawer, aware that she might never see the light of day.

But I missed AHIP. A part of my soul was gone and I did not know when or in what condition it might return. Upon arrival, it was as if my slumbering desire to create exploded, the creative juices flowing through me as I read and processed the reader's comments.

I have an insatiable craving to immerse myself in AHIP again. The changes and enhancements that I plan to make are far more than the reader suggested, but for me, it feels right. I hope I don't 'Radcliffe' my story (i.e. to include too much detail) but I have long suspected the need to add reflection and changes in some places.

I plan to embark on my journey this weekend. Yes, it may be fraught with challenges but I feel willing and anxious to shove off and begin.

In a few weeks I may need a new reader who is agreeable to help tackle my project from an editorial perspective. Said person would need to be able (to have the time and inclination) to read through the manuscript, even if it's rubbish, and offer honest reactions, even if it's hard, to help me see my baby's imperfections. I will never be able to pinpoint some of the flaws without this important step. If anyone is willing and local, please shoot me an email. It probably won't be easy but I would be very grateful.

A short synopsis to wet the appetite of any potential readers on the fence:

Emberlin Avery, bright, athletic and filled with all the potential of youth, looks upon her own empty body, a separation created by her recent, unfortunate, and untimely death and wonders, "Does anyone choose to die?" Understanding that she is dead, but not understanding what death is, Emberlin leaves her body and ascends to Paradise Holding, a place where, even in death, adventures may be had, sorrows may come, and surprises may delight. Learning to live, even if one is dead, may be the hardest thing she will have to do in her life.

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