Thursday, February 12, 2009

Writing Contest Extras

In honor of Valetine's Day I decided to post my other two contest submissions.

Petunia's View is a letter from Petunia to her love, Chase. I was going for subtle.

Doris's letter is the opposite. Doris is, perhaps, the least subtle character I've written. She likes to tell it like it is.

Both of these were meant to be a little off-key and more light-hearted than the heart-breaking and dramatic Rosaline.

Petunia's View

Dear Chase,

I remember the day that I first saw you. It was a clear, crisp autumn day. I was bundled up like the Michelin man in my great white coat and you, man that you are, wore a light gray fleece that matched your sea gray eyes.

I know you didn’t immediately feel for me all that I did for you. You’re shy; a little reticent to open up. See? I know the man that I love.

You were shy when I called you and asked you to dinner but your heart was clear to me when you accepted my proposal. Later at dinner, you were a little introverted as we ate, unsure of yourself. Never mind that dear. I certainly don’t mind it. Whatever you may think, I feel that you are perfect just as you were made.

Your extreme bashfulness prevented you from asking me out again but I didn’t mind. I can do that work for the both of us. It doesn’t bother me in the least.

And just in case you were worried, I should tell you that I didn’t mind it when you had to change your phone number. I found your new number easily enough on anywho.

I am quite good with schedules. It is one of my finest qualities and is a quality I am sure you will come to appreciate in time. I took the liberty, my sweet reserved one, to match our class schedules up almost exactly. The vast university campus is now but a few feet at any given time of the day that you and I are there.

Your tremendous affection for me is enough of a surety that I was not troubled in the least when I saw you ask Marcie Simmons out to dinner on that special February night. Your kindness to a girl like Marcie only endears you to me more, my love.

What is one night, albeit a night usually reserved for sweethearts, when I can see you every other night of the month?

Yes, my darling, even though you are a bit inhibited, I still take the time to see you every night, as you pull into your driveway. I sit outside and watch you to make sure you make it inside safely. Sometimes, I stay for a few minutes and I play our song to myself in my car as I watch you walk through your home, turning on lights and closing the blinds.

Don’t worry dear. Your timid ways only spur me on; caring for our love for the both of us. And, please, do not concern yourself with me when you are out with Marcie. I will happily eat my heart-shaped pancakes alone. I could never replace you, my sweet. And when your time with her is through, never fear, I will be waiting and watching as always.


Doris's Letter

Dear Gerald,

You’re not as handsome as the man I married. Yes, I know you are the same man, but today you are not as handsome as yesterday. And yesterday you were not as handsome as the day before. Add up all the yesterdays of the last thirty years and you will see what I saw this morning.

And while we are on the topic, may I remark that you are not as thin, except on top of your head. Speaking of your hair, it has migrated everywhere but where it ought to be.

Your once taut tummy has been replaced with a bowl of raspberry jello; the surface puckled from years of good eating. And what isn’t fatter, since the day we married, is now horribly wrinkled.

Gone are the days when you felt it necessary to open the door for me when we were out. Vague memories exist of you offering to pick up your own clothes or heat up soup for me when I was sick. I am not even truly sure of the memories as they are of such a fuzzy and indeterminate nature as to be unreliable.

But, this morning when I awoke to find a tender little lily on my bedside table, a new memory was formed; clear and wonderful in its innocence.

I love you Gerald and I want to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day.

Love, your longtime sweetheart,

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Letterpress said...

Loved the Petunia letter. It made me laugh! (Doris was good, too, just a little too close to home as we are both in that age group. . .)
