Saturday, July 11, 2015

Same Old, Same Old

I haven't blogged about my writing in a while but I still do quite a bit of it.

Here is how it works:

I get an idea.  The characters nag me until I write about them and their adventures.  I edit the story the best I can.  I send the story to readers to edit.  I fix what they suggest.  Then I put the book on a shelf to gather dust.

Over and over.  And over.

I have some characters that are getting pretty angry with me.  I try to tune them out but I hear snippets of, "This is not my destiny..."  or, "I have an allergy to dust..." or, "you promised me literary wings."  I am beginning to hear stirrings of a mutiny.

I have four sons and since my books (excepting the Halloween stories) are written for females, mostly the young adult genre, I long ago gave up the idea that any of my kids would read my creations (except the Halloween stories).

Until this last week.  One of them jumped in and read a 406 page book in eight hours.  And then he told me I am an idiot if I don't publish it.  He gave me an 8 out 10 score.  He said he would have given me a 9 out of 10 but there were too many kissing scenes.  He is an eleven year old male.  So, considering the fact that he is not even close to the target audience, I will take that as a compliment.  Then he read five more books off the dusty shelf.  Some novels, some novellas.  He says they should all be available to others to read.

My oldest son, who has a much more normal reading pace, is three-fourths of the way through the three volume novel that the eleven year old found.  He is enjoying it as well and has been reading it straight for nearly three days.

I am not sure what to make of this.  

But, alas it won't stop me from what I am drawn to do.  Create.  Explore.  Journey.

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