Friday, March 18, 2011


You can learn a few things from drug addicts. I did.

After the intense mourning period, when I finished the first draft of Amelia Rider, I wrote about wanting to avoid that stage the next time around.

After the drastic edits I made to this new, second version, I had a feeling I might slip into withdrawal again. Sure enough, two days after printing a copy, I started to feel the old feelings come back. It seems I simply cannot live in one of my fictional worlds without getting hopelessly addicted.

So like a drug addict, instead of quitting cold turkey, I tried to even out the withdrawal process with small, regular doses to help me come down off the high. It was a good thing, as I read through my book this week, because I caught a whole bunch of ticky-tack errors that needed to be addressed. It was also good because it made this week a little easier than it might have been. I was too busy to deal with jitters, longing, and dreams.

I finished putting the new edits in tonight and I will print a fresh copy for one of my readers in the morning. It is quite possible that I may still end up in the fetal position tomorrow but at least I am trying something new this time around.

And if any of you out there are local and willing to read through it and give me feedback, I would love at least one more reader. You don't have to edit, just respond. Email me if you are willing to help a girl out.

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