Tuesday, March 22, 2011


My plan didn't work. I still ended up with a flat emotional feeling after finishing a new version of Amelia Rider, despite drawing it out and dipping into the story over a week.

Next plan? A good book. I pulled a favorite off the shelf and lost myself in that.

The second plan worked. The Kiss of a Stranger was juicy and fun enough that I was able to emotionally invest in something beyond Amelia Rider. Thank you Sarah M. Eden! Your books are great to have around.

Next time I will just skip to a great book. Seeking Persephone better be out in time for my next mourning period.

Friday, March 18, 2011


You can learn a few things from drug addicts. I did.

After the intense mourning period, when I finished the first draft of Amelia Rider, I wrote about wanting to avoid that stage the next time around.

After the drastic edits I made to this new, second version, I had a feeling I might slip into withdrawal again. Sure enough, two days after printing a copy, I started to feel the old feelings come back. It seems I simply cannot live in one of my fictional worlds without getting hopelessly addicted.

So like a drug addict, instead of quitting cold turkey, I tried to even out the withdrawal process with small, regular doses to help me come down off the high. It was a good thing, as I read through my book this week, because I caught a whole bunch of ticky-tack errors that needed to be addressed. It was also good because it made this week a little easier than it might have been. I was too busy to deal with jitters, longing, and dreams.

I finished putting the new edits in tonight and I will print a fresh copy for one of my readers in the morning. It is quite possible that I may still end up in the fetal position tomorrow but at least I am trying something new this time around.

And if any of you out there are local and willing to read through it and give me feedback, I would love at least one more reader. You don't have to edit, just respond. Email me if you are willing to help a girl out.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shades of Gray

Oh, Finley. Your shades of gray are endless.

You were an incredible pleasure to write.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Version

It is done.

Amelia Rider 2.0

21 new pages of content, 6, 390 new words

295 total pages, 81, 738 total words

Anyone up for a read?

I need a couple content editors.

A content editor just reads and it and tells me if the story works. If it doesn't work they show me where so I can decided if the problems are fixable.

I'll buy you lunch.

Shoot me an email if you are interested.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Enjoying them tremendously. It feels good to be back in the saddle with Edward, Amelia, and Finley again. I wish life's pursuits were always this colorful and fulfilling.

I've rewritten the first chapter and I am now adjusting the following chapter to match. I plotted some of Finley's movements and will put them in the story as I move along.

I haven't had as much time to work on this as I would have liked but the time I have had to write has been pleasurable.

Off to more yanking and tweaking.