Friday, January 21, 2011

Still Editing

I started a fresh edit today, working through the piece word by word. I have Italian in the story and at some point my grammar and spell check gave up and refused to work with the foreign phrases so I am literally having to spell check by hand, as it were.

It's not so bad, in that I am a decent speller, but by about page 80 my eyes started to cross. I'm cleaning up ellipses, dialogue tags, and adverbs, among other things. It's tedious work, but so necessary.

I'm now on page 96 and I wish I could forget the clean-up work I am doing and I could just read the story straight through. I hit the Finley passages a little while ago and I just want to move. He is such an intoxicating character - evil but incredibly addictive.

But, alas, I want a good clean copy of this story for the old bookshelf so I have to keep working through at a snail's pace.

1 comment:

Letterpress said...

Editing, and revising are hard. Hang in there. P.S. I like the new look of the blog--(the side bar). Nice.