Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekly Update

Another week has passed since I posted my writing progress. I've added another ten thousand words this week and Amelia Rider now stands at 30, 645 words.

A few thoughts:

1) I woke up on October first and decided to write this story on a whim. I suppose I wanted to see if I could do it. And the only way to discover that would be to try. So I am attempting to write a modern adaptation of an (often) dated classic on a whim....I may die trying...

2) I have never, ever written this much story this fast. It took me about six years to complete my first novel and I learned a lot of writing rules the hard way. If I keep on pace (which I don't expect to) but if I did then the project from start to a basic first draft will take approximately 8-12 weeks.

3) Most of my stories are man v. self. This adaptation is man v. man and I am loving it! I've worked on Cristabelle and Finley this week and I love writing such selfish, vapid, twisted, confusing characters. Cristabelle is mostly one-note but Finley is nuanced and layered and simply a dream to write. Absolutely delightful.

4) Truth be told, I've only ever read the story I am adapting once and it was a while ago. So, after I write a section, I've read the original to see if I am hitting the right feel. I am happy to say that I feel like I am and there are many things to love about the original but I am really digging my adaptation as well. It is fresh enough to be a story on its own while paying homage to the twists that Ann Radcliffe originally invented. I mentioned this before but I am not attempting to recreate the story completely - I am trying to do more of a Emma to Clueless adaptation, even going so far as to name my own characters and paint them with a slightly different stroke.

5) Only time will tell I am can pull this off with something remotely readable but I am enjoying the journey of writing and I wouldn't exchange the experience for anything. Well...almost...

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