Saturday, May 29, 2010

First Draft for The Last Dance


I just finished the first draft for "The Last Dance". (It's Sean and Susie's story). Now I get to print it out and read through it for the very first time. And I get to see if it makes any sense. Because, who knows, it could be rubbish.

Near the end, I honestly wasn't sure that I could bring them back around. I wasn't sure I could do it, but Sean just fell onto the page like a champ and I couldn't be prouder.

This is the first adult fiction novel I've ever attempted. All the rest fall into the young adult category and all touch on young adult themes like coming of age, etc.

I like young adult for several reasons. One is that I am older than my characters, which means I know more than them (ha!). Another is that the themes can be a little more chaste. I cannot tell you how many sex scenes I've unfortunately come across in adult fiction. Blech! I cannot imagine writing a graphic sex scene in a novel and then looking my friends and family in the eye over the turkey at the holidays. Can you say awkward?

That being said, this story is decidedly more adult with adult themes and conversations. It is probably not something I would recommend to my teenage daughter, if I had one. And since I just have sons and there is no way they will probably read any of my stories, least of all this one, I have no worries. I'm actually not sure I will ever show this one to anyone. But, that doesn't mean it wasn't important for me to write it.

The other novels are easier to show. This one would be hard because of the intimate nature of some of the conversations and feelings expressed by the characters.

This is the first time where I have really written from a man's point of view (the story is told third person through Sean and Susie - also something I have never tried before) but I think I might have gotten close. Men are so different to write then women. It is far easier to be in a woman's complicated mind than a man's...uh...uncomplicated mind.

The Last Dance is also shorter than my others, coming in at around 32,000 words. It's funny to me that it is so short when adult fiction tends to be longer than young adult fiction and my young adult fiction novels are quite overlong for the genre. I did it backwards but I don't care. Sean and Susie had a simple story to tell and I tried to tell it.

I can now go to bed and sleep without them interrupting my dreams with their stories. For one night anyway...and then who knows? I might hear from my Princess...

1 comment:

Letterpress said...

Susan Straight always used to say that she missed her characters once they were written and done. I think that's why some authors do sequels--all that hard work of getting to know that can be carried forward. Bravo to you for finishing!