Sunday, December 27, 2009


My goal was to read 52 novels in 2009. I only read 31. I will have to do better next year.


Lisa said...

I'm amazed at the 31 one novels read. Congrats and feel free to pass on reccommendations.

As for hitting 52, you may want to switch to YA novels (AKA Judy Blume and any other slim, quick read). There may be 52 books in the Babysitter's Club series if you are looking to breeze through a stack.

However, something tells me, you're a gal who likes a little more meat in her books. I currently reading Kingsolver's Lacuna, Hunger Games, and a biography of Ben Franklin and loving them all. The Help was also a thick, but quick read I recently enjoyed--as if you need more titles on your list of books to read.

Good luck in 2010!

Wife and Mother said...

Make it 32. I just read a short Christmas story last night.

Some of the books took forever. Mysteries of Udolpho and Camilla were absolute marathons.

I loved your idea about 'cheating' with a lot of slim YA novels but I would probably have to off myself if I read 52 BSC books in a row. I doubt I could read one.

However, if we're talking Nancy Drew - that is another story.

I'll have to check out some of your suggestions for other reads. I think I will try to do forty this year and see if I can accomplish the lower but still ambitious number.