Monday, June 15, 2009


In the midst of a move, AHIP is sitting...rather impatiently, I might add. While I spend my days packing boxes, my characters have been visiting me while I slumber, eagerly reminding me of this or that to add to their story.

I know that my creations are not really real but at what point do they become alive to us as writers? For me, it seems that they come to life as soon as they are named. Their characteristics start to form, creating their inner character...making them tangible.

I think there is something wonderfully magical about the ability to create delightful new worlds. So I will not complain about my fictional children's nightly visits where they criticize how I write them. Instead I will thank my lucky stars for such a colorful imagination. Even I could not imagine a more deliciously desirable gift to give myself.

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