Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More Unplanned Editing

Instead of editing AHIP (formerly DIAC) I have been dreaming of edits for KS. One writer once said that you never actually finish a story, you just abandon it. I thought I had abandoned KS (at least until I could get it in the hands of an agent) but I suppose I haven't. Scenes and little layers and finishing touches have been bugging my subconscious for a few weeks. I kept dumping the ideas on little yellow post-its to get them out of my head but more just kept coming.

After a small stack had accumulated on my desk, I surrendered to the siren call. Yes it may dash me on the rocks or be all for naught but I cannot leave a scene untouched once the idea has made it on to a post-it. It would be unconscionable.

I hate to sound arrogant but I really love my story (as I am sure most writers do)as I read through it and do all my little edits. I haven't read it for a few months and I forgot about the little sparks of wit that I was able to write for my clever, sassy Emmalina.

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