Monday, December 31, 2012

Definition of Insanity

On January 1, 2011, I wrote this little post about the definition of insanity. 

In 2012, I read 125 stories.  (not counting the hundreds of children's books I read every year to and with my children.)  In one year, I read 125 stories just for me.  

I think I've met the criteria. 

Friday, October 5, 2012


I haven't posted for a while.  That's life.

But, I haven't been idle.  Writing is part of who I am.  Like my red hair.  It may not be natural but it is right.

Over the summer, I worked through some story issues and edited some of my own work.  And I've read like crazy.  One hundred finished books in 2012 as of this blog.  

I also worked through an unpublished work by a fellow aspiring writer.  Sometimes, I've worked on a project and thought,

"This is a mess of epic proportions."
"This was interesting and has potential but is really far from the mark."
"This is decent and with a little more work, could be viable."
"This is well done and is publishable.  I want to see this on bookshelves."    

I am not sure where my own works fall, maybe all over the place as I have so many novels and short stories.  Some of them are epic messes and some are hopefully decent and readable.  Who knows.  But, what I do know is that this last project I worked through for the fellow writer fell in the last category.  Weeks later, I am still thinking about the characters and plot twists.  That is a good sign.  If she ever publishes I will be the first to congratulate her.

Sometimes I think it would be fun to work for a publishing company (or agency), reading through unproven works to see how viable they are.  I think it would be hard to read so many epic messes.  Exhausting, really.  Especially as I am someone who rarely gives up on a book, even when there is excellent evidence that abandonment would be the best course.  But, think of all the gems that are out there, waiting to be nurtured into viability.  I am an eternally hopeful person.  Maybe someday, this might be part of my life story.  In the meantime, I like working through the odd project that comes my way.  Every writer needs readers.  I can do that.

And in the meantime, I can work on my own creations.  Creating brings tremendous light to my life.  Maybe someday, I can create something worth the paper it is printed on.  Until then, creation for creation's sake will suffice.        

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I've been working through some old projects lately, which has been wonderfully satisfying.

And I received a work-in-progress ms back from an extremely helpful reader.

It takes a brave person to wade through an unfinished (not even half finished) manuscript that is in the works and give an honest opinion.  This latest ms is completely unorthodox.  I did away with chapters entirely and I change point of view for every new scene.  Considering the radical nature of the storytelling, I sent it out early to see if it was edgy without being over the cliff.  This particular reader has helped with several of my manuscripts and is familiar with my work.  Because I am unpublished, but sharing my work, on my title page I mark it as an unpublished work with the year.

I opened the returned and edited ms to find her note on the title page.  She had circled the 'unpublished work' notation and wrote, "A real shame, if you ask me."

I blushed with pride.  That is high praise indeed.    

Friday, April 27, 2012


You never know what you are going to get when someone sends you a project to edit.  I've done several over the years.  Some are workable and some are drivel.  

(Some of my projects have been absolute drivel as well so there is no judgement. :))  

So it was with this project.  I had no idea what to expect.  It could have been total crap.  However, when I got into it, I found a completely unexpected surprise and this project was absolutely a pleasure to edit.  

Several drafts later, the finished project is out.  

Building Your Relationship Home: Blueprints for Selecting a Lifelong Partner

It is a funny, insightful look at the world of dating and preparing for marriage.  

Congratulations Rocco!  This is a winner.

Seeing this in print makes me want to get back to some of my neglected children. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happiness is...

Happiness is opening an old project and finding it far more substantial than you remembered it.  20,000 words written and another 10,000 words of a highly detailed road map.  This day is looking better and better.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Quick Update to This Forlorn Place

I ended the year 2011 with 87 stories read, probably 80 of them enjoyed immensely and the other 7 shipped off to the latest book burning party. 

My first inclination would be donate a book to a worthy place.  But, I hate giving away a terrible story.  I feel like I am tricking some unsuspecting reader into giving it another go.  When really the story should be destroyed.

But, the 80 or so stories that were worth their ink and paper were a fantastic journey and I am glad that not only did I meet my goal to read 52 stories, but I far surpassed my goal by an additional 35 adventures.

In the last two months, I've continued reading, this time delving into apocalyptic non-fiction scenarios.  I love economic talk but I miss the frippery and frivolity of my regency stories.  Sarah Eden put out a new book called Friends and Foes and I cannot wait to finish what I am reading so I can dive back into the early nineteenth century.

I also just finished a soft editing project.  Seeing creative ideas come together on the page makes me want to dive back into writing again.  Who knows what this year will bring...but whatever comes will be interesting, I am sure.