Monday, February 20, 2012

Happiness is...

Happiness is opening an old project and finding it far more substantial than you remembered it.  20,000 words written and another 10,000 words of a highly detailed road map.  This day is looking better and better.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Quick Update to This Forlorn Place

I ended the year 2011 with 87 stories read, probably 80 of them enjoyed immensely and the other 7 shipped off to the latest book burning party. 

My first inclination would be donate a book to a worthy place.  But, I hate giving away a terrible story.  I feel like I am tricking some unsuspecting reader into giving it another go.  When really the story should be destroyed.

But, the 80 or so stories that were worth their ink and paper were a fantastic journey and I am glad that not only did I meet my goal to read 52 stories, but I far surpassed my goal by an additional 35 adventures.

In the last two months, I've continued reading, this time delving into apocalyptic non-fiction scenarios.  I love economic talk but I miss the frippery and frivolity of my regency stories.  Sarah Eden put out a new book called Friends and Foes and I cannot wait to finish what I am reading so I can dive back into the early nineteenth century.

I also just finished a soft editing project.  Seeing creative ideas come together on the page makes me want to dive back into writing again.  Who knows what this year will bring...but whatever comes will be interesting, I am sure.