Sunday, May 29, 2011

Weeks Three and Four

In the past two weeks, I have added a mere 1,493 words to my story bringing the total to 23, 464.  I also printed the first 59 pages and did a brief edit to see if the format worked. 

It may seem like I have not made much progress of late.  One part of me is disappointed that I haven't moved very fast in the last few weeks. 

But, then I must remember that, I was on vacation, my husband had surgery, and my child had the flu.  Even though I haven't had much time to sit and write, the story is still alive, still wanting to be told.

And I intend to tell it. 

So the writing marches on, word by word, line by line.    

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week Two

I ended the second writing week two days ago.

Unfortunately, I was only able to write for three days.

I added 6,119 words.

My total project now stands at 21,971 words.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week One

Yesterday was the official end of week one writing. I wrote 4,934 words. Not as many as I would have hoped. But, I was only able to write on two days so I feel like I made the most of the time that I had.

For this project, I have chosen a very flexible, free-flowing structure. I've done away with chapters and chosen a rather unusual replacement for scene breaks. Oh, and I am also writing every character in first person - well, when they are in charge of the scene anyway. I am loving this experiment.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Three Days
21 Single-Space Pages
10, 918 Words
Four Volumes

The planning is done.

Let the writing begin.